Full Cupping Notes: Unveiling the Unique Journey of Kahayya Coffee

Kahayya Coffee, South Sulawesi, Typica, Wet Process, Farm Gate, Cupping Notes, best Indonesian Coffee, coffee story

Embark on a captivating journey through the world of specialty coffee as we delve into the intricate cupping notes of a remarkable single origin: Kahayya Coffee from South Sulawesi.

Aroma and Taste:

City Roast: Upon roasting to a City level, Kahayya Coffee releases an enticing aroma reminiscent of freshly baked goods. The initial impression is a symphony of molasses notes, followed by subtle hints of spice that evoke the comforting warmth of ginger cookies.

Wet Aroma: As the coffee grounds are ground and moistened, their fragrance transforms into a sweeter symphony. Notes of warm honey and toasted sugars intertwine, creating an irresistible olfactory allure.

Light Roast: At lighter roast levels, Kahayya Coffee unveils a gentle sweetness that unfolds into a delightful array of flavors. Imagine the taste of toasted brown sugar, the comforting aroma of coffee cake, and a subtle hint of sweetened condensed milk, all harmoniously blending together.

Cold Profile: The acidity of Kahayya Coffee shines through, enlivened by a refreshing zest of lime. As the coffee cools, delicate notes of spice emerge, reminiscent of cinnamon and ginger powder, adding a touch of warmth to the lingering taste.

Source: coffeeshrub.com

Additional Notes:

  • Process: Wet Process (Washed)
  • Varietal: Typica and Modern Hybrids
  • Farm Gate: Yes

The Story Behind the Coffee:

Our journey takes us to the village of Kahayya, nestled amidst the lush landscapes of South Sulawesi. Here, dedicated farmers have meticulously cultivated exceptional coffee beans, each carrying the unique terroir of this remarkable region.

This particular lot represents a harmonious blend of small harvests from Kahayya's passionate growers. Led by Marsan, a visionary figure in the community, these farmers interweave coffee cultivation with the care of other crops, including cacao, clove, and pepper vines.

Amidst the verdant hills, we encounter ancient coffee trees, some proudly standing over 100 years old, their roots deeply embedded in the rich history of coffee in this region. These venerable Typica and Line-S varieties, alongside the region's renowned Robusta, bear witness to the enduring legacy of coffee in Kahayya.

The elevation of Kahayya's coffee haven ranges from 1400 to 1700 meters above sea level, creating a microclimate that nurtures the development of exceptional beans.

Empowering Kahayya Coffee Farmers: A Collaborative Endeavor:

Since 2014, the village of Kahayya has been the heart of a transformative initiative spearheaded by the Sulawesi Community Foundation (SCF), Kemitraan, and the Bulukumba Regency Government. This remarkable collaboration has empowered local coffee farmers, paving the way towards a brighter future.

Sulawesi Community Foundation (SCF): A beacon of hope in South Sulawesi's community development landscape, SCF has played a pivotal role in Kahayya's advancement. Working closely with the village's coffee growers, SCF has implemented strategies to enhance bean quality, expand market access, and promote sustainable agricultural practices.

SCF's flagship initiative: Transforming Kahayya into a vibrant Community-Based Coffee Tourism Destination. This visionary program aims to position Kahayya as a captivating attraction, showcasing its exceptional coffee as the centerpiece. SCF has empowered farmers to develop agritourism ventures, construct essential tourism infrastructure, and enhance their capacity to serve visitors.

Partnership for Governance Reform (Kemitraan): A national non-profit organization dedicated to fostering small and medium-sized enterprises, Kemitraan has been an instrumental partner in Kahayya's transformation. Through the Peduli program, supported by the Asia Foundation and AUSAID, Kemitraan has complemented SCF's efforts by providing capacity building for coffee farmer mentors, facilitating farmer organization, enhancing financial management skills, promoting marketing and product development, and fostering engagement with local and central government entities.

Bulukumba Regency Government: Recognizing the immense potential of Kahayya's coffee, the Bulukumba Regency Government has provided unwavering support through infrastructure development, regulatory frameworks, and conducive policies.

The Fruits of Collaboration:

This remarkable collaboration has yielded transformative outcomes, propelling Kahayya into the realm of promising coffee tourism destinations. Kahayya Coffee has garnered international recognition, its quality soaring to new heights.

Positive Impacts:

  • Enhanced Coffee Quality: Kahayya's farmers have mastered innovative techniques to elevate bean quality, including selective harvesting, meticulous post-harvest processing, and optimal storage practices.
  • Boosted Incomes: Expanded market access and improved pricing have translated into significant income growth for Kahayya's coffee growers.
  • Cultural Preservation: The village's rich coffee-growing heritage is safeguarded and celebrated as an integral

Kahayya Coffee presents a truly unique and captivating cup experience. From the alluring aromas of baked goods and spice to the harmonious blend of sweetness and acidity, this exceptional single origin offers a journey for the senses. With its versatility across various brewing methods, Kahayya Coffee caters to the preferences of both pour-over enthusiasts and coffee lovers who enjoy a variety of brewing techniques.

Beyond the Cup:

The story of Kahayya Coffee transcends the exceptional beverage itself. It serves as a testament to the transformative power of collaboration. Through the dedication of passionate farmers, the expertise of NGOs, and the unwavering support of local government, Kahayya has blossomed into a thriving example of sustainable community development.

Looking Ahead:

The future of Kahayya Coffee shimmers with promise. As the village continues to embrace sustainable practices, refine its offerings, and share its story with the world, Kahayya Coffee is poised to become a leading light in the world of specialty coffee.

For more information:

  • Sulawesi Community Foundation (SCF): https://scf.or.id/ (Indonesian language website)
  • Kemitraan: https://kemitraan.or.id/ (bilingual website)
  • Bulukumba Regency Government: https://bulukumbakab.go.id/home (Indonesian language website)
  • Desa Kahayya (unofficial website): https://www.desakahayya.id/ (Indonesian language website)

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